Mobile Usage Rises in France


"France is in the midst of a mobile revolution, according to data from Q3 2015. " eMarketer

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jeudi 3 décembre 2015, par administrateur


" The study confirmed an increase of mobile usage. Overall, households in France had an average of 3.2 mobile screens in mid-2015, and 61% of individuals were mobile device users. More than one-quarter (28%) used a tablet.

Among internet users, engagement with mobile devices was even higher. Nearly three-quarters (72%) of those who had a mobile phone were using a smartphone, and 51% of web users had a tablet—a gain of eight percentage points compared with Q2 2014. As a result, an estimated 53% of online traffic involved mobile phones and tablets.

Fully 79% of respondents said they used a smartphone to go online every day, or nearly every day, while 62% of smartphone users accessed the web several times a day. Among tablet users, the corresponding shares were 66% and 42%, respectively. Millennials, the most active cohort on mobile phones, were estimated to check their phones up to 300 times daily."

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